In his work as a personal injury attorney, Joe has seen thousands of injured victims who come to him for help. While his clients are victims of accidents, Joe knows there are other kinds of victim who don't always have the same legal recourse, which is why Sexual Assault Response Services of Southern Maine (SARSSM) is such an important resource. SARSSM began advocating for victims of sexual assault more than 40 years ago. Today, numerous professionally trained male and female Crisis & Support Line advocates answer calls 24-hours a day, 365-days a year. Advocates respond to calls from victim/survivors, family members, friends, significant others, and professionals working with those impacted by sexual violence. Volunteer advocates provide information, referrals, advocacy, and support to individuals reporting incidents of sexual assault. SARSSM continues to emphasize education and community involvement to end sexual violence. On Thursday, April 25th, from 5-9:30 PM at Brick South at Thompson's Point, SARSSM will be hosting the Annual Chocolate Lovers' Fling. This special gala event, featuring table service, multiple courses of chocolate tasting, and a silent auction is the largest annual fundraiser for Sexual Assault Response Services of Southern Maine.
Talented local chocolatiers, from York and Cumberland counties, will showcase their creativity and serve their ultimate chocolate confections. Chocolatiers compete for awards, including the prized People's Choice award. All attendees will have the opportunity to participate in the judging process, and will receive expert guidance in chocolate appreciation. Attendees can also look forward to meeting the chocolatiers and placing bids in a silent auction featuring jewelry, art, getaways, and of course, chocolate.
Find more about the organization here, and about the event here. Joe hopes the event is a success but that you don't eat too much chocolate!